Ποιητικο ταξιδι απο τη Δεσποινα Κονταξη. Poetic travel by Despina Kontaxis.
Κυριακή 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013
Παρασκευή 5 Ιουλίου 2013
1o Βραβείο για το ποιητικό έργο της Δέσποινας Κονταξή
Το ποιητικό έργο "Πράβι 100 χρόνια λεφτεριάς" βραβεύτηκε με το πρώτο βραβείο από τη ISGWA. Η Διεθνώς Βραβευμένη ποιήτρια είδε το έργο της να παίρνει σάρκα και οστά σε μουσική του Μιχάλη Κζούνια. Η εκδήλωση πραγματοποιήθηκε στην Ελευθερούπολη την Τετάρτη 24 Οκτωβρίου στα πλαίσια των εκδηλώσεων για τα ελευθέρια της πόλης.Το έργο σκηνοθέτησε ο Παναγιωτίδης Γιάννης. Ερμήνευσε ο βαρύτονος Πυριαλάκος Γρηγόρης σε συνοδεία πιάνου της Χαριτίδου Βαλέριας. Συμμετείχαν τα μέλη της Θεατρικής Ομάδας Καππαδοκών: Ρένα Πολίτου, Τέρψη Καλυβιώτη, Βαγγέλης Κευσενίδης και Κώστας Αναγνώστου. Το έργο έχει ταυτόχρονη μετάφραση στα αγγλικά για να μπορεί να είναι προσιτό στο αγγλόφωνο κοινό και να κατανοήσουν την ιστορία της Ελευθερούπολης (Πράβι) κατά τη διάρκεια της κατοχής.
Παρασκευή 16 Νοεμβρίου 2012
Πέμπτη 8 Νοεμβρίου 2012
Παρασκευή 26 Οκτωβρίου 2012
Πέμπτη 11 Οκτωβρίου 2012
“Kaddish to a Life not Lived.”
After mounting two successful off-Broadway runs of Aeschylus’s Oresteia (2010), translated by Despina Kontaxis and Euripides’s Iphigenia in Tauris (2011), Leonidas Loizides’s acting troupe will return in the Fall of 2012 to present “Kaddish to a Life not Lived.” In this moving monologue, written by Michalis Kokkinaris, translated by Despina Kontaxis, and performed by Eftychia Loizidi, a Jewish woman named Sarah shares her final thoughts before being killed at Auschwitz. In unforgettable words, she mourns for the life that she will never live with the man she loves, the children she will never hold in her arms, and the simple dreams she will never see fulfilled.
Παρασκευή 31 Αυγούστου 2012
From Pegasi Intenational- Από το Pegasi International

Despina Kontaxis është një poete greke, përkthyese dhe me profesion është fizioterapiste.
Ka botuar tre vellime poetike dhe tre botime të tjera në fushën e profesionit të saj.
Despina ka marrë pjesë në shumë konkurse poetike dhe është vlerësuar me çmime të shumta Kombëtare dhe Ndërkombëtare.
• Çmimi i-Metal benefactor e Nomarchy e Kavallës.
• Shpërblimi i Komunës së Eleftheroupolis Kavallës, Greqi.
• Metal nga International poetët e Bashkuara laureat.
• Çmimin Ndërkombëtar i Librit «Alexander Papadiamantis» për mbledhjen poetik «vetmia e bedwalker».
• Çmimin Ndërkombëtar i Librit «Midnight» për mbledhjen dygjuhësh poetik «purpurtë puthje».
• Metal me emrin «Ares» në Festivalin e Poezisë 1 Mesdheut.
• Çmimin për haraç saj poetik nga Shoqata Ndërkombëtare e Shkrimtarëve dhe Artistëve greke.
•Eshte ndër të vetmet poete greke që arriti në 10 poetet më të vlerësuara nga ana e OKB me poemën “Hibakusha” .
Despina është dhe përkthyese e “Oresteia” në anglisht për një prodhim off Broadway në Amerikë në vitin 2010-2011.
Ajo ka qenë anëtare e Komitetit Shkencor të Fizioterapia në Kavala, Greqi Veriore, ku është shpërblyer nga Shoqata Panhelenike Fizioterapisë.
Despina Kontaxis is a Physiotherapist and a Poetess. She has published 6 books, 3 having Physiotherapy topics and 3 being poetic collections.
She has participated in many poetic competitions and has being Organizing
Comitee in many Physiotherapy Congresses. She has been a member of the Scientific Comitee of Physiotherapy at Kavala, Northern Greece. She has also translated “Oresteia” by Aeshylus in english for an off Broadway production that toured America in 2010-2011. Between the numerous awards of Mrs Despina Kontaxis are the following important :
• Award-Metal of benefactor of the Nomarchy of Kavala.
• Award of the Municipality of Eleftheroupolis Kavala, Greece.
• Award of the Panhellenic Physiotherapy Association.
• Metal by the United Poets Laureate International.
• International Book Award «Alexander Papadiamantis» for the poetic collection «The solitude of the bedwalker».
• International Book Award «Midnight» for the bilingual poetic collection «The purple kiss».
• Metal with the name «Ares» at the 1st Mediterranean Poetry Festival.
• Award for her poetic tribute by the International Society of Greek Writers and Artists.
• The only greek poetess that reached the top 10 by the UN for her poem “Hibakusha”
I search for you in the color of the moon.
In the light of the night.
At the silver clouds of the night sky.
At the moon rays
that company you at evenings…
In the street that tugs you.
In the silence that breaks your bones.
In the love that donates smiles.
In the desire that begins to plash
under the moonlight.
Silver cochleas the thoughts
mirror their passions.
Boats that waterslide the glances
they are waiting to cross the crowd
so that they will meet.
Sparks invest the the night sky.
Brushworks of light the night canvas
portray. Where are you?
The doubts beseechers
that are trying to get between us
and dispute turns the handle of loneliness.
The night carries secrets upon her shoulders
and the day counts meetings
upon her fingers.
The pebble of wish
encircles in her hand
and with its throw
the concentric rings
of hope forms.
Black silhouettes
Black silhouettes
are walking under the moonlight
so fast and absent minded
that they have almost not noticed
that the night has come.
The night unfolds her magic
and colors with silver brushes
their carefree auras.
These want to meet
secretly and to fold
into one another.
To commix like colours
on a white canvas
and create their own
Splashes of kisses,
splashes of strokes
touches long drawned out on the canvas
like on their bodies.
Of kisses. Of colours. Of pratfalls.
Σε αναζητώ στο χρώμα της σελήνης.
Στο φως της νύχτας.
Στα ασημί σύννεφα του νυχτερινού ουρανού.
Στις φεγγαρένιες αχτίδες
που σε συντροφεύουν τα βράδια…
Στο δρόμο που σε συνοδεύει.
Στη σιωπή που κόκαλα τσακίζει.
Στην αγάπη που χαμόγελα χαρίζει.
Στην επιθυμία που αρχίζει και παφλάζει
κάτω από το φεγγαρόφως…
Ασημένιοι κοχλίες οι σκέψεις
αντανακλούν τα πάθη τους.
Καράβια που υδατοδρομούν οι ματιές
περιμένουν το πλήθος να διασχίσουν
ώστε να συναντηθούν.
Σπίθες επενδύουν το βραδινό ουρανό.
Πινελιές φωτός το νυχτερινό καμβά
ζωγραφίζουν. Πού είσαι;
Οι αμφιβολίες ικέτες
ανάμεσά μας να μπουν προσπαθούν
και η αμφισβήτηση το πόμολο της μοναξιάς γυρίζει.
Η νύχτα κουβαλά μυστικά στους ώμους της
κι η μέρα μετρά συναντήσεις
στα δάκτυλά της.
Το βότσαλο της ευχής
περικλείει στο χέρι της
και με τη ρίψη του
τους ομόκεντρους κύκλους
της ελπίδας σχηματίζει.
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